Tuesday, January 26, 2010


The kids are doing fine. Each day goes by so fast, I'm constantly in between breastfeeding, diaper changing, potty training, cooking, playing....but without grandparents here, I definitely can't do these all alone. Forget about even uploading photos here, they are surely the biggest help.
Daytime is a bit easier as Kiharu is mostly in between napping & eating. But once the clock strikes 7p.m., she wants to eat almost all the time. Unlike in the past, once Yoshi went to bed, that's our little relaxing time. But now, it's all about non-stop feeding and trying to put both kids to bed. I can't complaint much as Kiharu lets me sleep at least 3 hrs straight each interval, so it's not that bad.......
Yoshi is doing very well, potty training is in progress, better each week. Maybe I can write about our little adventure someday....surely it's the biggest challenge since his breastfeeding...^_^ well, got to go, it's diaper changing time again.....
Last Sunday was my birthday, thanks to grandparents' babysitting, me and Nori got to go out for lunch by ourselves. It's been more than a year since we went out dinner on our own in Japan. (& it's been more than 3 years since we went to movie theater, the next time maybe we will be watching Disney movie....) It's very refreshing to be on our own once in a while.....
(Where're the car seats & the noise machines?)


amy said...

happy belated birthday! glad to hear that all of you are doing fine! i hope our girl will be as good as kiharu! :P

Unknown said...

Seriously, Sabrina, you need to let us watch the kids for you so that you and Nori can have a night out again after your parents leave.