Saturday, January 9, 2010

Familiar early morning thoughts

It's 7:10a.m. on Saturday morning. Yoshi climbed onto our bed at 5:45a.m., and made himself comfortable in between me and Nori. He usually does that in the weekend, knowing Nori is home and wants more cuddling time perhaps. (not sure how he figures out the day of the week). After 30 mins tossing and turning, he finally fell asleep again. But since then, I am awake. This reminds me of a FAMILIAR morning 2.5 years ago ................

Yes, I still wonder how contraction feel. U would think with the 2nd pregnancy, I should know by now. In some way, I do, but there are many times, just as I thought it might be the night, I ended up sleeping thru it and woke up just like another day of waiting.

Yes, I am not nervous about the birth, just more anxious to meet Kiharu, and seeing the moment especially when Yoshi meets his little sister.....

Besides that, I think this morning my brain is just stuff with many other misc thoughts:
- hm.....what should I eat for breakfast (something that perhaps I won't be able to eat for a while after baby born....greasy hashbrown perhaps?!

- hm....where should we go today since we have been stuck at home for the past 2 days with the snow......

- hm... have we stocked up enough groceries for Yoshi & grandparents during my hospital stay? (I think our freezer actually has no more space)

- hm....when will I have time to copy and paste the past 6 montths of blog posts as back up? (why didn't I make it as a daily habbit instead of dragging the same project every few months?)

- hm...................and why am I having all these thoughts so early in the morning instead of sleeping a bit more?!?! oh well, I think the more I write here, the more I'm awake (+ surround sound of Zzzzzzzzz from my lovely family).

Good morning everyone!! (will today be the day?!)


Anonymous said...

Hey, all the best and take care, can't wait to see some pics of Kiharu -- though this one you posted is already so warm and lovely :)

Auntie Anna

Anonymous said...

nice post. thanks.