Monday, February 8, 2010

Another cold week...

It's another cold week...

will write more next time.........Zzzzzz....(another long night after finally calming down a fuzzy baby who seems to have a habbit of cluster feeding- every night, from 7-10p.m......hope this is just a temporary thing)


amy said...

did yoshi colour the anpanman characters all by himself? that's very impressive!

Jaden and Averi said...

Wow...Yoshi mananges to color within the circle and shapes. That is very impressive. Must be all the practice you have been given him before the baby. I know it's hard on you when the baby wants to cluster feed and I hope she will give you a good 3-4 hours sleep at least after the cluster feeding.

Kambayashi said...

Thanks for thinking highly of Yoshi. However, for some reason, he didn't want to paint the brown Anpanman's face, so I did that...^_^ But he did paint the purple Baikinman's face on his own, not too bad I guess...^_^