Wednesday, February 24, 2010


2 months ago, Yoshi was the only child. He's just like a typical 2 year old, having fun, enjoying his innocent childhood. But since Kiharu was born, Yoshi seems to have grown up so much more overnight. I know he is actually the same, just that the arrival of Kiharu has brought out the best of him....(and allow us to see that as well)

- "Mama, 抱妹妹, 妹妹喊" (hold little sister, she is crying)
- "妹妹笑" (everytime when he sees Kiharu smile, he would tell us to look at her)
- he always wants to hold her, very gently
- When I'm feeding Kiharu, he would sit next to me watching TV or let me read a book to him. He would patiently wait for us to finish before doing anything else.
- Now that he's in the potty training process, few times when we were out in restaurants or stores, I would take him to bathroom. No more diaper changing station needed....
- In the stores, he would want to help pushing Kiharu's stroller or walk side by side with us.

Thanks Yoshi, very proud of you....

Recently, Yoshi's favorite transportation is:

***"校巴" (school bus). Thanks to Uncle Henry for your toy, everytime when Yoshi sees this on the road, he gets VERY excited. And every morning, while he's having breakfast with grandparents, they would be starring at the window, waiting for the schoolbus to come by this neighbourhood. Maybe someday he will be in one of them.....


amy said...

what a nice brother yoshi is! wish rafael will be as patient and understanding!

Uncle Henry said...

^O^ looks like he can't wait to go to school!~

Jaden and Averi said...

Such a good big brother for Kiharu and little boy for mama!!

Anonymous said...

Good boy Yoshi ! Very proud of you indeed :)
Can't wait to see Yoshi carrying Kiharu's little hand walking together, that's gonna to be really cute !

Auntie Anna