Thursday, October 7, 2010


WARNING: This blog post is not suitable for grandparents, please read with half your eyes covered!!

Recently, there were days when Yoshi didn't want to take a nap, he would be reading books or sneak into guest room to watch TV.....sometimes, I just keep him in the room for some quiet time (except TV). Yesterday, while watching at the baby monitor downstairs, I saw him pulled away everything from the bed, then disappeared from the screen, so I thought maybe he was napping in the guest room. Then after a while, I went upstairs, and shocked with what I saw ~~ (yes, I brought along camera hoping to capture evidence to show Nori)

This was a reenactment (recreate) of the climbing adventure. I wanted to reconfirm what I thought he did, so I asked him to demonstrate his action. (he was using those comforter and pillow on the floor as step stool)

After a long discussion of consequences, it's time to clean up the mess....

At the same time, Kiharu is pulling herself up against tables too. She is crawling very fast (especially towards anything she wants). I definitely need extra sets of eyes on my back to watch over 2 little ACTIVE explorers.

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