Tuesday, October 5, 2010

A glimse of Yoshi's school life

Last week, parents were being invited to "munch & mingle" in Yoshi's classroom for 30 mins after school finished. I arrived a little earlier, and got to see Yoshi riding his favorite police car in the playground. Teacher said that's all he wants everytime when he's out there.

When they returned from playground, the students need to hold onto a robe with individual circles, making sure they were in line.

Yoshi really likes school. He always talks about his teacher Mrs. Lamb & assistant teacher, Ms. Stefano. There are 6 students in his class (which is a low ratio), and funny thing is, besides Yoshi, 1 Chinese, 3 Indians + 1 Americans..... for sure there are lots of sign language in the class...^_^ Yoshi is learning about colors recently, teacher said he seems to recognize the color, but answered in Japanese perhaps.

So at home, when I pointed out to a color, I would ask:

"what is this color?" ... "紅色"

"what color does Otousan (daddy) say?" .... "Aka"

"what color does Mrs. Lamb (teacher) say?" ....... "Red"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey please post videos of Yoshi speaking in three languages ! it must be very cute !

and please take care and have more rest ... ;)

Auntie Anna