Friday, October 15, 2010

Fall is here- Part II: Pumpkin Farm Field Trip

On Tuesday, Yoshi had his first preschool field trip to a pumpkin farm. I think he was just excited to be with his teachers and classmates, and the bonus part- hay ride pulled by the tractor. I can't get on the hay ride with him as I had Kiharu with me. But besides that, I was able to join the other activities.

ok...I didn't see this sign until Yoshi climbed all over the pumpkins (it wasn't posted on the side where we were....^_^)

The tractor took the kids to a field full of pumpkins, and let them each picked one to take home.
Yoshi always talks about his favorite teachers- Mrs. Lamb(left) & assistant teacher, Mrs. Distefano(right). The maximum class size should be 12 students, but his class only has 6. Yoshi really enjoys his preschool life, he has so much fun.

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