Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Bedtime struggle

Kiharu has been very independent and easy when it comes to bed time. The last year, I could just say good night and walk out the room. But the last few days, don't know exactly why, the minute I walked out the bedroom, she would just cry. She would be standing by the bed corner (almost like waiting at the bus stop), cry till someone show up. She just want me to stay with her. I tried many things, talking to her, brought her a new blanket, wait a little bit, or even let her cry till she fell asleep on her own. I tried to be patience, yet not wanting to become a habbit to sit by her bedside. This happens during day time nap too.....

Yesterday, Yoshi volunteered to be the comforting person. He was so kind to her. I was listening outside. He said "Ki-chan, don't cry, we are here. I will stay with you a little bit....." then as soon as he walked out the room, she cried. Back and forth many times, he had so much patience. But at some point, I heard his tone changed "Ki-chan, why are u crying so much, don't cry!!!".... ^_^

Later on, Yoshi pulled the chair by her bedside, hoping to stay with her by pretending to sleep. It was quite funny. long as Yoshi was in the room, she wouldn't want to sleep. So we ended up walking away, and let the little girl cry till she fell asleep on her own. (luckily the TV monitor has the "mute" button....)

1 comment:

Mac said...

yoshi is such a good brother! heather is able to sleep alone on her own crib at the nursery but she ends up sleeping on our bed every night!