Sunday, January 8, 2012

Their favorite time- Ofuro (bath time)

The favorite time for the kids got to be weekend. Not only because Nori is here with us, lots of playtime together, but the highlight must be the shower time. In Japanese culture, "ofuro" (bathing in tub) is an everyday thing. We do have a bathtub here, but it's sort of big which requires much more water to fill up. So Nori came up with a better idea using the baby bathtub. I can't do this in weekday as it is hard to handle both kids in and out the bathtub at the same time. I only give them shower time. So I guess, they have to wait for another 5 days before getting to sit inside the little tub. ^_^


Anonymous said...

I've shown your blog to my sisters and there were all these "Awwwwwws" ... "they are so cute" and "Yoshi is getting so handsome" ... :)

And you are officially named "Yoshi Ma" by my sisters (grin). Thank you for sharing your daily live with us !

Auntie Anna

Kambayashi said...

Thanks Auntie Anna....can't wait to see you all soon...