Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Happy birthday Kiharu

Today is Kiharu's birthday. We sang so many times birthday song that Kiharu knew it's for her. Can't believe she is already 2 years old. Here are few things about this little girl-

- You are always a happy girl (most of the time). You have lots of silly laughs.

- I love seeing you dance, moving your shoulders up and down with the music beats.

- You and your brother are great buddies. Even with fighting, always ended with hugs and sorry, then things would be back to normal again. Did I tell you, you shouldn't always start the argument by grabbing Yoshi's stuff, and immediately ran the opposite direction, I saw it all.

- Every time when Yoshi's teacher opens the classroom door, the first one who runs in is YOU!! ( I know you miss Yoshi a lot while he's away)

- I can't believe you have recently started to show me what u want to wear or not. There were times you refused to wear certain clothes, and kept pointing to the others. I know you are a girl, but I really can't let you win this battle, as I can foresee what will be coming up soon.....

- Whenever Yoshi came to me and complaint about something, you were always right behind, filing the same complaint, making sure your voice being heard.

- Unlike your brother when he's little, you never seem to be intimated by my louder voice, or my angry look, or even my silent strategy. You just seem to have your own mind set going.

- You have started to say some words: "No....No....(in English)" hm....wonder where u learned this from..... "早晨 (good morning) 廁所(toilet) 抱(carry me) 唔該(thank you) 要(want)" ... "Arigatou (thank you) Chi gau chi gau (no no...) "

Kiharu, every little thing about you always amazes me and Otousan. We enjoy seeing how much you and Yoshi love each other. Can't believe you are already two, we look forward in many more fun (& silly) things you bring to us everyday. Hugs and Kisses from me, Otousan & your best buddy- Yoshi. xoxoxo


Anonymous said...

ohhhh I've got Kiharu some clothes, hopefully she (instead of you) will like them ! hehe

Happy Birthday Kiharu

Auntie Anna

Kambayashi said...

Thank you Auntie Anna, you don't have to do that. But thank you. Will let u know when we receive those.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Kiharu! Both Yoshi and Kiharu are so cute and happy. Really enjoy their laughs together.


amy said...

the video was so sweet. and so precious are kiharu and yoshi's siblinghood!

happy birthday kiharu, you're truly blessed with the love from your parents and brother! can't wait to read more about you in the next year!

Anonymous said...

Sabrina, yes, my son is now 20 months! Happy Birthday to Kiharu! The video made me laugh... just saved me from my black friday! Thanks for sharing!

Big fan crystal