Sunday, July 19, 2009

Dayton Air Show 2009

This past Saturday, we took Yoshi for a mini 1 hour road trip up north for Dayton Airshow. I'm glad we did it, Yoshi was at the age starting to enjoy (& curious) about planes (or as he called "helicopters" for every transportation up in the sky). It was really crowded, and there were lots of walking between parking lot & the venue. We didn't bring the stroller as I was afraid he would only want to play with it (pushing it without letting anyone help steering, which is a really big struggle among crowded area). So the sacrifice of not wanting to deal with the stroller fighting situation, was to carry him when he fell asleep after the show....... but we really had fun.

Waiting in line to get onto a tour of the KC-10 (yeah, like I remember the name of the plane... Nori is sitting right next to me now) (side note- for a long time, I kept thinking Yoshi has some blueberry/ strawberry left over on his face, so I kept wiping....but then recently I just notice up close, he has a mole!!!! HAHA, so cute, tiny little dot. ....hope this is not something that will grow huge and has a hair sticking out when he gets old....haha....) After touring all the planes, we sat down for lunch and watched more airshows. At one point, started to rain, luckily it's not heavy downpour, so our picnic table cloth came in handy. (of course Yoshi was busy eating....& eating....& eating....) The finale highlight was the "thunderbird" performance. Yoshi was having fun watching until the sound got so loud that scared him.... What a fun day.

1 comment:

Uncle Henry said...

Grandma used to have a mole at the same spot too!~