Friday, July 31, 2009

Back seat passengers

What was Yoshi pointing at?
"Lion....Lion..." we spent the last full day in Toronto visiting African Safari Zoo with Auntie Sandy & Winnie. It was a really interesting experience, we were able to drive our car into the zoo and looked at the animals up close (real close). (of course Nori wished he was allowed to drive thru the mud and grass in between the animals instead of following the paved driving path)
The highlight of the self driving tour must be seeing the monkeys. Yes, those active and curious monkeys. I think they were more curious to see the visitors. Check out Yoshi's reaction when he saw the unexpected visitors on our car.... This was what left behind on the truck's roof rack..... The other part of the zoo had lots of animals encounter by train and petting zoo. Choo choo....
The next day, we packed our stuff and started heading back to home to Cincinnati. Yes, Auntie Sandy and Winnie were once again our back seat passengers, they are now here with us for few days visiting. Yoshi totally enjoyed so much during the long 8 hrs road trip back. - snack time...

music time......

sleeping time.....


Uncle Henry said...

Winnie & Sandy you two are so lucky!~~

Susannah said...

You'll have to let me know when you get back where this zoo is. I think my kids would get a kick out of the monkeys too!

Yoshi looks like he is having so much fun on his vacation, hope you guys enjoyed your trip!