Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Water painting

There is a reason why we pay somewhere else for Yoshi's fun activities....(because I am not dare to explore the water painting inside the house yet) I think with the weather being cooler in the afternoon, perhaps I can let him try painting at the deck at least.... Anyway, last week, we tried out a art/craft class. This was the 2nd time. The first time, he wanted nothing except crayons. But this time, he was very interest in water painting.


我與我的心肝寶貝s said...

you can try going to your city's recreation center, they should have lots of preschooler activities and will be cheaper than private (gymboree) ones. They are fun too!

Kambayashi said...

Thanks Cecilia. Actually this week will be our last Gymboree class. We have been there for 1.5 year, it's time to switch to something different...we have joined another music class and looking forward to it. Good luck with your kindermusic class...