Monday, March 1, 2010


As grandparents will be leaving in about 2 weeks, slowly I'm trying to "experience" things on my own without relying on their help too much, hoping it will be a easy transition. One of the biggest challenge will probably be dealing with bed time on my own as Nori usually comes home late. In the past, Yoshi was able to sleep after bedtime story. But recently, he's been wanting us by his side till he falls asleep. So these last few nights, I tried to put Yoshi to bed while feeding Kiharu at the same time.

Last night, I ended up falling asleep on Yoshi's bed while holding Kiharu on my chest. Tonight, it became a 1.5 hr long mission. What's worse, when I tried to leave his room twice to take care of Kiharu, I could tell Yoshi really wanted me to be with him....he was grabbing onto my pants... he needed my attention. So finally, after calming down the sleepy baby, I went back to Yoshi's bedside till he fell asleep. It's challenging to satisfy both of their needs the same time, but hopefully I will figure out my way eventually......good night my 2 little ones... xoxo

while watching the Olympic closing ceremony....

The above photo of Kiharu reminds me of..................


amy said...

like the pic w/ yoshi, dad and grandpa drinking together! :)

Cecilia said...

Kiharu is adorable! She looks different every time.

Jaden and Averi said...

The picture of Kiharu that you posted on this blog reminds me so much of Nori!! She is so adorable. And BTW, I used to use the raisin tricks on Jaden as well when he is younger. It's like a treat and I only used to give it to him when we were out and about and it worked like magic every time!!

blueberrydream said...

Grandpa & grandson, amazing!!

I loved those raisins so much when I was small, my dad loves it too where we have them at the house all the time... suddenly one day, I don't like it anymore..xx I can't eat raisins now, wonder why??
