Wednesday, March 3, 2010

An igloo for $9.99

Seems like no matter where u live on earth, as long as there is an IKEA nearby, most likely, your kids would own one of these $9.99 igloo in your house. Or I should say, your kids would get one of these from grandparents......

Here is another Chinese nursery rhyme that grandma taught Yoshi. I'm really amazed how much and how fast Yoshi memorized it.


amy said...

haha, it was me who couldn't resist buying it. i love cuddling w/ rafael inside the igloo! :)

馬渡太太 said...

Daddy doesn't allow us to get one... >.< ...I should ask grandparents to get one...

Jaden and Averi said...

I loved how Yoshi says his nursery rymes because he says it with such passion and high/low notes and not monotone like. So cute!!

Anonymous said...

I guess it right when I first watched Yoshi saying the ryhmes. It means he said it accurately and with feelings. He really learns things very quickly. Kudoo to grandma, too, for teaching him.
