Saturday, March 27, 2010

Weekend= Mr. Yes & Mrs. No

(on Saturday/ Sunday early morning, before breakfast)
Yoshi: "Mama, shinkansen (video) 好唔好?" (Yoshi was asking me to play his favorite train video)
Mama: "No Yoshi, it's too early for video"
Yoshi: "Otousan, shinkansen (video) iino?" (same question to Nori, just in Japanese)
Otousan: "hm.....ok"
(very late at night, right before bedtime)
Yoshi: "one more story"
Mama: "No, it's too late, time to sleep"
Yoshi: "one more story"
Otousan: "ok ok...saigo (last one)"
(in a store while shopping)
Yoshi: "Otousan, kataguruma" (Yoshi wanted piggy back ride on Nori's shoulder)
Mama:"No, Otousan is tired"
Otousan: "It's ok...."
These are just very few of our daily encounters. No wonder Yoshi loves having Nori around in the weekend....but unfortunately, when Monday comes, there is only 1 answer to the above questions.


Mac said...

same here but the only difference is i am mr no while amy is mrs yes...

blueberrydream said...

great balance!!

馬渡太太 said...

I am Mommy No and Takashi is Daddy Yes most of the time. But when I am engaged in facebooking & blogging, I will say yes to all his requests hoping to get a short period of peaceful time. So inconsistent! :P