Sunday, April 11, 2010

Hiring....anyone interest?

Looking for (before) bedtime (baby) sitter with extraordinary tolerence on (crying) noise level. 7 days a week, from 8:15p.m. till baby falls alseep. Multi task ability also require to handle sudden interruption from baby's sibling. Position available IMMEDIATELY!!

Kiharu is 3 months old now. She is doing well. In the day time, she is good, smile a lot, enjoys looking at her big brother dancing and singing. But when it comes to night time, it's a bit challenging. Recently, I put her to bed around 8:15p.m after the last feeding. But EVERYTIME when I put her onto the crib, she starts crying....then change to screaming. I used to hold her to sleep (my record was 3 hrs holding), but I really want to have her starts sleeping on her own (I'm already exhausted after a long day).

I remember Yoshi used to enjoy those lullaby music soother, he would just fall asleep after few minutes. But Kiharu seems to find those music annoying, neither is my singing..... so the only solution (at least temporiary), is to let her cry. I even tried holding her after 10 mins crying, and put her down again, then the cycle just goes round and round. It's very exhausting, and emotional drainage. I know if I hold her to sleep or give her a pacificer, it will probably be so much easier. But I really don't want to develope those habbits, which eventually would be much harder on me. I'm determined to keep trying, hope she will be able to sleep on her own soon (or at least enjoy my lullaby....)


amy said...

good luck sabrina. now that the due date is getting near, i'm starting to worry about all the newborn routines! oh hope our #2 won't be a difficult baby!

馬渡太太 said...

What if you give Yoshi the task to pat Ki-chan to sleep?

Kids have a special way of communication, e.g. Yoshi will tell Kiharu in BB language: "fall asleep for a while and mama will give you a cookie!"

You may consider hiring Yoshi! :)

Kambayashi said...

Amy- actually I forgot about the whole baby routines till Kiharu arrives....I'm sure Rafael will be a good brother and your baby girl will be so easy to handle. Can't wait to meet her.

Carolyn- I actually had Yoshi sing lullaby to her too, but it didn't work. I guess because big brother didn't know how to adjust the volume level...^_^