Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Multi languages

I have noticed in the recent playdates, Yoshi was enjoying so much with the other kids. Unlike in the past, when he would prefer to play with the toys, he's now following other kids, playing "together". I think perhaps because he has learnt so much more Cantonese and Japanese, maybe he's able to understand what others were saying...(?!)

At home, me and Nori speak our own languages to Yoshi. We don't talk to Yoshi in English, figure out he will learn in preschool eventually (in coming September). But Yoshi manages to pick up some English from TV, toys, songs, and few other friends. He's just like a little sponge. Funny thing is, he is able to "switch" channel anytime. As soon as Nori comes home at night, it's in Japanese channel. Because he doesn't know much English yet, so when he knows it's not Japanese or Cantonese, he would somehow speak an "alien" langauge, I wouldn't understand, almost sound like "bi li ba la... gu lu gu lu...."

Video #1- Yesterday, I told him it's Kiharu's (100th day) birthday, so I told him to sing birthday song to her....(but perhaps he remembered Uncle Henry's birthday was last week and forgot to sing birthday song to him instead)....

Video #2- Today, I caught Yoshi playing with his toy phone (which he just found in his toy drawer). There was a lady talking on the phone in English. And suprisingly, Yoshi knew it's not Japanese or cantonese, so he responds "Yeah.....yeah....yeah....ok....ok....ok" (I think he's trying to use his limited English volcabulary to build up a conversation.....^_^)........ then later tonight, he was playing with the SAME phone again, pretended calling Nori. So he spoke in Japanese this time..."Hai hai.....hai hai....matanei" (yes yes...talk later)....andd right after he hung up the phone, he told me in Cantonese that he was talking to Nori.....


amy said...

yoshi and kiharu are so lucky to be born in a multilingual family! mac always finds it interesting to see yoshi who looks so japanese speaking fluent cantonese.

blueberrydream said...

Yoshi is so cute!! and talent!! Hope that I will be able to meet Yoshi & Kiharu some day...

Uncle Henry said...


馬渡太太 said...

你地夏天返黎香港時,睇下yoshi會點同takumi傾偈! ^^ (我話會用廣東話)