Friday, April 16, 2010

no nap

2 years ago (at the dinner time)..........................

2 years later, same dinner time, same high chair....................
Yesterday, Yoshi didn't take a nap, he was just in his room, reading, walking around, doing everything except napping.....I finally gave up. And guess what, he fell asleep on the highchair after eating dinner.

Today, the nap situation was the same. We did went out in the morning, but perhaps with the 12 hrs sleep last night, he wasn't sleepy this afternoon. Having been thru yesterday, I was determined to have him take a nap before we went out to a birthday party in the evening. But the 2 hours following was like a struggle. Luckily Kiharu was napping well in our bedroom. I was back and forth between Yoshi's room and kitchen trying to prepare dinner. Huh

During the struggle, I even used my "shut door" strategy, which usually got Yoshi panic enough to stay in bed and fell asleep eventually. But today, the panic only produce temporiary effect...long story short, no nap today again!! However, while I had his bedroom door shut, he was crying:
"Mama.....wee wee wee......"
"Mama...koko" (Japanese- means 'here'.... he was telling me he's inside the room)
"Mama...Yoshi 喊呀" (Cantonese- means 'crying'...he was telling me he's crying, hoping I would go in)

Well, I guess the panic effect is still there (in multi languages), just not strong enough to make him stay in bed.

Good night Yoshi, sleep well.....................Zzzzzzzzz

1 comment:

amy said...

i've given up forcing rafael to nap at home these days, it's a pain for both of us! the best way to ensure rafael to take naps is to exhaust his energy in the morning by going out and then driving him home. he would fall asleep automatically while in the car - but only his daddy's car! if he's in public transport, he would be too excited to sleep!