Monday, May 12, 2008

Mother's Day

Happy Belated Mother's (& Grandma's) Day! In the past, this was a day that I celebrated with my mom (& Nori's mom also). But this year, it's extra special. For the first time, I have an extra "my own day", besides birthday. With this "hallmark" day, the best part is seeing Nori went out with little Yoshi alone for the first time and did something for me. They went out shopping for card and gift. Wonder someday when Yoshi gets older, will he be able to keep the secret of what the gift is?! or will he keep saying "mom, guess what daddy and I got u? guess, guess, guess...oh well, let me tell u.........." Thank you Otoosan & Yoshi!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes Yoshi, you've got the best one.
Happy Mother's day !

kk & pp