Monday, January 12, 2009


We have been back for a week, it's been a long hectic week with Yoshi's jet lag. I finally felt more normal since this weekend, as Yoshi is now sleeping much better, meaning we are getting enough rest as well. Daily routines are slowly back to normal. Though winter weather limits outdoor activities, but very soon we will be calling friends for more playtime together.

This past December, we really had lots of fun being back home. As Yoshi gets older, he's much more curious with new environment and people. I am amazed with his easy going character. Me and Nori agree that he has learnt so much just being with people around all the time. He definitely misses everyone.

THANK YOU everyone for spending a wonderful holiday with us.

- Grandpa"S": thanks for being the biggest entertainers to Yoshi, your energy amazed us even without the daily naps....& thanks for being the chauffeur (A.K.A driver), u have made everywhere seemed much more kids friendly.

- Grandma"S": thanks for all the yummy cooking, as well as being my dessert buddies...Oh I miss all those cakes..... & thanks for babysitting Yoshi and let me and Nori felt the little taste of freedom again.

- Uncle Henry: we miss u here, we miss having the security guard and personal photographer. Yoshi definitely misses having u yelling "Gou Fu" (uncle) to him all the time, as well as those soccer and train entertainment.

- Nana, Yuuki-chan (& Junko & Ko-san): thanks for all the playtime u share with Yoshi. Thanks for sharing all the toys. He had a great time chasing after u girls. I can tell all 3 of u really have a special bond.

- All the aunties ("EE"), uncles: thanks for all your warm welcome and spending time with us. And each time when Yoshi met u, it's like Christmas everyday. Thanks for all the thoughtful gifts.

- And to all the new friends that Yoshi has met (the little ones): thanks for spending all the fun time together. U have made his trip even more special and enjoyable, and just be a kid as everyone. Will play again next time.


P.s. one funny thing about the gifts that Yoshi received.....T-H-O-M-A-S!!! Had I mentioned too many times about choo choo train here on blog or is it just the biggest trend on boys' toy? Thank you everyone!!!

1 comment:

amy said...

the thomas trains line-up is soooo funny! :)

let's meet up again next christmas!