Saturday, August 8, 2009


Yesterday we met up with few Japanese friends to have picnic and playdate at the water playground. It was a very nice day. After a long week of Cantonese channel, it's time to listen to some Japanese again. Can't believe this summer has gone by so fast, I really want to take Yoshi out to enjoy as much as we can. But it's not easy to take him out, he's at the stage when he wanted to do his own thing. He doesn't hold my hand that much, I mean following my lead, so I always have to watch his every move, especially in such an open area- park, I have to keep my full attention to him constantly. It's great to see him enjoying so much, being so happy. But I do find myself exhausting afterwards. I'm sure every mom feels the same way too. We did have a great time with everyone. Hope summer will stay much longer.......

Normally Yoshi would not want to come down/up the slide, he is very cautious. But this day, he had a brave move, following Kaito-kun up the slide. It's not something I want him to do either. So the only way I can stop him was to tell Kaito-kun to go to his mom, then Yoshi would follow the big buddy...

After a while in the kiddie area, Yoshi was curious with the older kids he was wondering, "how can I go over there?".............................

Yoshi's way..............

See Yoshi's reaction at the back...he was laughing...but I'm not sure what he was thinking at that moment....?!?!

Tomo-kun, he is such a cute and handsome kid. I love taking photos of him. During our picnic, I was AMAZED by his eating skill, he was eating cherry and spliting out the seed on his own. I was really suprised, because I can't even do that myself....thought it's funny to share this....haha.

1 comment:

amy said...

could imagine it's totally not easy for you to look after yoshi at the exploring age, with your tummy growing bigger and bigger each day! take care dear.