Wednesday, September 24, 2008

A day at the park

Yesterday I took Yoshi to a park, just a relaxing afternoon. Now looking at these photos, he doesn't seem to be a 18 months old baby, he looks more like a little boy instead.
There is a pond with ducks around. Before Yoshi's occupation, these duckies were relaxing under the big tree shade. They never would have thought their nap time got disturbed by a little boy wearing a bucket upside down on his head. to my suprise, Yoshi was really into following them, instead of heading the opposite direction...


Anonymous said...

yoshi 小子,流晒口水想食燒鴨呀?揀到邊只末?小心捉唔到座鸭屎,佢地無'押片'咖.

kk & pp

Kambayashi said...

KK, don't say too loud that I want to eat roast duck, otherwise, I will be caught to jail from park. ~Yoshi