Sunday, September 28, 2008

Pumpkin Farm

Fall season is finally here. I like October, as there are lots of fall festivals around town. Now that Yoshi can walk, it is more fun to be outdoor enjoying the weather. We met up with Uncle Henry & Christa to a nearby pumpkin farm (Fall on the Farm/ Blooms & Berries). Actually I have never carved a pumpkin, I know it's probably shocking as I have been here for 13 yrs. Maybe next year when Yoshi gets older, then we will do it together.
"Yoshi, stop disturbing Otoosan (daddy) in the bathroom..."
"Yoshi, can u handle the smell being so close to Uncle Henry?"
"Christa, why are u wearing your bag in the bathroom?"
"Ok, after 3 people, it really stinks here!!!!"

We did the hay-ride, and there were lots of scarecrows along the way, but they don't look scary at all, seems very friendly (& dummy)

Actually all 4 of us doing the hay ride just for Yoshi, but he fell asleep half way to the ride....Zzzzz. It must be the bumpy ride that got him into sleepy mode.

Hello Mr. (or Mrs?) Goat

There was this big tub fill with corns. Once Yoshi got in, he didn't even move a bit, he must thought he was glued inside.....

Lately, we noticed that Yoshi is very curious with animals- dogs, cats, goat....don't worry (grandparents), we always watching him and never let him get too close to animals. Today, he had lots of fun....


amy said...

will you take yoshi to trick-or-treat? we're thinking of joining the other kids in the building to do so. :P

amy said...

re language training, i have the same confusion sometimes. we've been training rafael to be bilingual too and i speak mostly english to him. daddy is half-half and at school it's all cantonese. it seems he does have some confusion as he will say 大bus, 細bus but sometimes he seems to know there is chinese and english as he will say minibus and then followed by 小巴.

i found this website on multilingual training for children a while ago. there are quite a lot of sharing by other moms there. fyrp:

Kambayashi said...

I am not sure if we will take Yoshi to trick or treat yet, as he probably has no clue what's going on, but we might...thx for the website, will check it out, I'm sure I will get some inspiration there. thanks. Is Rafael going to dress up for halloween?

amy said...

re dress-up... maybe we'll just dress him w/ a yukata (we got 3, bought them because they're too cute!) to pretend as a japanese boy :P

Kambayashi said...

Amy, make sure to take photo of Rafael in yukata & post on blog. ^_^