Monday, October 13, 2008

Henry Choo Choo

Santa Clause came early this year. Santa Henry arrived with 2 big presents yesterday at our house. We got a new lap top (came with installation services), so now, I can blog anywhere at anytime. ^_^ As for Yoshi, he got a train set of his own. Uncle Henry kept joking that Yoshi was like the kid coming from a poor family that can't afford his own train set, so his mom would have to take him to bookstores and play the ones over there all the time.....hahaha. And of course, Yoshi got the train that's name after his uncle. ^_^ THANK YOU santa Henry!!!!!!!!!

Normally in the morning while I was preparing breakfast, Yoshi would be cruising around the kitchen. But this morning, he was busy with his own little (choo choo) world.......

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yoshi is so lucky to have his Uncle Henry !
I should get him something that's named after me .... but all I can think of is "Anna Sui" (!?)

Auntie Anna