Monday, October 13, 2008

New shoes

It's time to get a new pair of shoes for Yoshi as weather is getting cooler. Just like baby teeth, usually the first few teeth/shoes would be something to remember...I'm sure by next yr, it won't be any big deal at all.

While we were at Nike outlet, we saw this bright yellow shoes. I took this picture just for Auntie Winne. Since u were so in love with the previous "prisioner sandles", thought u would love this yellow ones even more (& it's Nike). But we didn't buy this as Yoshi got another pair that's very similar as gift earlier. Maybe next summer, we will get this one.
At the outlet, we saw this unique car. Oh my!!!! This is not a display, but an actual car driven by someone on the road. I can't even imagine how this person's house look like.....


Anonymous said...

Ha ha please throw away the ugly prisoner sandles...bad memory to Yoshi ha ha! I will buy him a nice one in HK soon.

Anonymous said...

Oh the Nike's pair are really should have bought them!!!!!! So Stylish.

Auntie May