Sunday, October 26, 2008

He's HOME!!!!

Otoosan is home!! Otsukare!!
As soon as Yoshi saw Nori at the airport, he went straight to him, held on to his legs......
"Omiyage" (souvenir) time....^_^ Yoshi couldn't even wait for Nori to finish unpacking the suitcase, he crawled and sit in it. Maybe we should have packed him along with Nori last week.
Arigato Obaachan & Ojiichan, Yoshi will have lots of reading time with Nori. Arigato Otoosan.
(Rafael, does this look familiar to you? Yes, yes...after seeing how great you eat dinner by yourself, I forwarded your photo to Nori and asked him to find a similar bowl with handle for Yoshi. Hopefully Yoshi will be able to "scoop" the rice by himself just like you.)
Arigato Ojisan, Obasan, Nana & Yuuki for all the gifts. Yoshi was playing with this music toy the whole night, those buttons are his favorite.
Here was him playing with his new drum

1 comment:

amy said...

our set was actually a gift from our colleagues (auntie sandy being one of them). hope to see yoshi's self-feeding pics soon! :)