Sunday, October 19, 2008

Japanese healthy food

I like Japanese food very much, but there is this one particular food that I just refuse to eat.......maybe Yoshi had my influence too......

"Hold on Otoosan!!"
See Nori's facial expression, he's really fighting hard....haha
It's Japanese Natto beans 納豆- fermented soybeans. It supposed to be healthy, and good for children also. But that strong smell (stinky) is just way too much for me. And when Nori eats that, I made him washes that particular dish....^_^

Natto conversation:

Nori:"U should prepare natto for Yoshi sometimes, it's good for his healthy."

Me:"I don't think I will be doing that, it's so stinky"

Nori:"But he's your son, u should do that for his health though" (with a laughing tone)

Me: "But he's your son too. U could do that for him also.............." (with a laughing & confirmative tone as well)


Mac said...

did yoshi finish the natto finally? i don't like natto too... that smell is really stinky... : P

Kambayashi said...

No, that one bite u saw on photo, that's it. Actually that was part of Nori's breakfast. I think I even had Nori used mouth wash after the meal too....^_^ but it suppose to be healthy.

Anonymous said...


kk & pp