Friday, April 17, 2009

Art & Craft

This morning, I took Yoshi to Gymboree for an art/craft class (since we have few make up classes need to be used) My original intention was to let him experience the water color art or play doh which we don't do at home (and to leave any mess at Gymboree instead of my house). At the beginning of the class, the teacher had set up few 'stations' for the kids to try out. But to my suprise, Yoshi was only interest in crayons. In fact, everytime when we go to restaurants, the servers would bring out free crayons for kids to draw on the kids menus. Perhaps crayons are what Yoshi is familiar with. No matter how I try to pull him to other stations, he had no interest. Oh well.

Yoshi was the only kid at the crayon station, while others were busy at water painting or playdoh.
Today's topic is "Transportation". At the second half of the class, each kids would be able to do their own projects. 1) Balloon (tape the strings with the pre-cut shapes, draw the brown basket with a marker and glue the small papers onto the circle); 2) Glue the white 'cloud" and paint the aeroplane............Well, luckily these are simple projects that mom can still handle....the only thing Yoshi did here- drew the balloon basket with a marker. That's about it. He just had no interest in doing any of these, but rather watching other kids run around or he prefers to draw with crayons.... well, I think he likes his music class better.

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