Sunday, June 14, 2009

Making someone feel special

Yesterday we continued Nori's birthday celebration. We started out with big birthday breakfast, then went for a suprise birthday present pick up in store (Nori got his new lawn mower that me and Yoshi had choosen for him. He now no longer need to p-u-s-h, but it's a self- propelled one, so it will make grass cutting so much easier). Then followed by dim sum lunch (Yoshi's favorite are cha siu bao & egg custard dessert). In the afternoon, we drove down south to Kentucky to visit Creation Museum. I think it's an interesting visit inside the museum, very kids friendly. Not sure if we will pay the admission fee to go back inside again. However, we enjoyed the outdoor botanical garden (w/ petting zoo). It's a very nice place, and it's free. Any kids would enjoy there.

The most fun thing about the garden is they have few mini suspension bridges. Yoshi wasn't much afraid walking on it...........
.............until someone else walked by and made the bridge wobbling, then he freezed.
....let's try again, this time holding Nori's hand.....
...but at the end, he gave up.
The petting zoo stinks.......but it didn't bother Yoshi, he was having fun...........
......until he met Mr. Camel which was much bigger than his size, starring at him....
I think the highlight for Nori besides picking up the new big birthday toy, must be the Korean BBQ dinner. (Thanks Poki for mentioning the restaurant the other day, I did change my original plan. It was a great place, and we all smelled like BBQ beef afterwards.)When we get older, and started to have a family, sometimes our own birthday just seems to be another day, like Nori said "it's just another day". However, I do think it's important to make someone feel SPECIAL on their birthdays. Afterall, it only happens once a year, it's not too much to ask in making that person feel speical. If we let this little celebration goes forgotten, there will be nothing left to look forward to. It's a way to have a special family bond together. It's always nice to know someone has made an effort in showing their love and care. Even just a card (but please, it needs to have more than just a signature....), just singing a birthday song, or just planning for a dinner, it's the thoughtfulness and efforts that made a difference. At the end of the day, I'm glad Nori's answer to my question "do u feel special today?"---- it was "YES". Happy birthday Nori. xoxo from Mama & Yoshi.

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