Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Harvest time

Early last week, I was out at the backyard watering the plants and checking on the growing squash, they were still small size. Then after 3 days of occasional rain, Nori came too me: "HAVE U SEEN THE SQUASH?" Not until I saw those myself, that I believe his words. WOW!!! They taste good, I have never seen these huge size of squash in the grocery store before....

Eggplants are coming out Nori's special jalapeno


Anonymous said...

We've been trying to plant the squash for these two years but in vain (the weather may be the main reason).You got those wonderful plants all together, good jobs.

btw,as for your tomatoes ,you may need to clip off those sideshoots (grows between the main stem and its side branches/leaves).

kk & pp

amy said...

yoshi is really lucky to be able to enjoy the fun of gardening (and savouring the home-grown vegi)!