Tuesday, December 8, 2009

2.5 years old Yoshi

So how's been Yoshi doing lately being 2.5 years old?! (just as I'm out of topic to write about these past 2 days busy with santa workshop.....) here are few random things about Yoshi:

- definitely he is much easier to communicate than 6 months ago. He's able to speak more volcabularies in both/ tri-languages. We don't speak to him in English, but he picks up from hanging out with few friends, songs and TV perhaps.

- everynight, we have a storytime before bed. Whenever Nori is around, he would be in charge. It's a great bonding experience & Japanese learning time. Nori would read him few Japanese books. It started with only 1 book, but now Yoshi would not let him go without finishing at least 3. (and those nights when Nori is not around......it would be my turn. I tried to switch him from those Japanese books to others, but Yoshi wouldn't let go. So I have to tell story in half Japanese and half Cantonese...I sure can tell Yoshi was a bit confused and less interest than daddy's version)

- there are times when Yoshi is frustrated with things he can't do and need help, he would first make annoying sound....so I have been trying to teach him to change his tone. There is no need to be panic or frustrated as he's capable to put words together. He's doing much better and the funny part is, he would say "no need to panic" in cantonese after he corrects himself....

- Every weekend, Yoshi would join Nori in having Japanese breakfast- rice + natto + miso soup. And he is eager to use chopsticks (& ask for "ohashi"). But so far, I only let him use in the weekend, because he would only "pick out" meat and left behind a bowl of rice....

- Yoshi loves fruit, any kind. Usually- strawberries, oranges, apples, banana, watermellon, grapes......

- Weekdays- I only let him watch videos during my cooking time. And it's always Japanese kids program. There are many times I would refused to play the DVDs and prefer to have playtime instead. He's pretty good about listening and wait. But he would then hold on to the DVD case and kept looking at the packaging. Henry said Yoshi looks like browsing in a video store.... But weekend is a different story when Nori's home. Whatever Yoshi gives to daddy, seems like his wishes are always being fulfilled (unless the mama patrol officer issues warning.....)

- From books or videos, Yoshi's favorite transportation objects are 'bulldozer', 'shin-kan-zen' (Japanese bullet train), 'airplanes'....so whenever he's outside or in the car, he would get very excited seeing those...

- Even with the weather is getting cold, I still try to go out everyday, at least in the morning. If we aren't meeting friends or going to music class, we would go shopping (especially with the holiday season). However, it's also challenging sometimes as he wouldn't want to sit still in the shopping cart. He would either want to push the huge cart or wants me to carry him. (forget about stroller, we stop bringing that to anywhere many months ago....) So lately, I am using "raisins" strategy. I would carry a box of tiny raisins and let him enjoy eating & following me while I look around. He's very good in staying right next to me and not run around at all. If I have to visit few stores in a row, then I will choose to give the raisins in the store that I know I would spend most time in....

- Not sure if Yoshi have any idea about his future "little sister". He knows what "baby" is, and he's pretty interest in my friends' little ones. At least he stops pointing to his own stomach and said "baby", he knows she is inside my tummy....

(photos from last Friday with his Japanese friends)

1 comment:

blueberrydream said...

I think this proves that Yoshi is a really smart kid!! He is able to just the chopsticks to pick out food he like at 2.5yrs!! Ha ha ha!