Sunday, December 27, 2009

Family time

(Before x'mas)- Yoshi was preparing a x'mas card for Nori......

So glad to have Nori here with us this holiday. We have not been spending that much quality family time together for a long while. It's the best x'mas gift for me and Yoshi. We have been just taking our time, not rushing in and out the house as we always did in the weekend. Today, we stayed at home, trying to prepare the nursery room, but sill a long way to go.
Snack time......there is one more space for Kiharu...

Dinner time together

Admiring the snowfall....
Here is a video of x'mas day, opening a gift from Uncle Henry & grandparents.....

1 comment:

uncle Henry said...

Looks like Yoshi really loves his toy!