Monday, December 7, 2009

Mrs. Santa Workshop

This year, I have decided to be more crafty on holiday gifts, especially for the little kids. (yes, the word "crafty" is really pushing itself to the limit, hopefully the little handmade effort helps to cover up all those uneven sewing lines, or gluing mess....) As I have started this handmade (or semi-handmade) determination, I can't stop, and the list seems to go longer and longer. Do I really have more and more "private moment"? Absolutely not. So what's the secret?....

~ less blog update
~ less TV time with Nori at night on the couch
~ "goodnight Nori, sweet dream" ..... "Don't stay up too late" ----that's our latest late night conversation.
~ more eye consealer makeup next morning

Well, but I do really enjoy this, afterall, it's holiday season. Though it's not much of a big gift, but there's little love from our whole family.

(P.s- I did underestimate the time and effort requirement.....just as I thought I'm done with craft project #1, I still have to do the gift wrapping and ....the worst part- planning a trip to post office WITH my little elf, I better prepare a huge snack bag with me before walking out the door....)

(P.s- as u may wonder, where are the santa elves? Elf #1 (Yoshi)- sometimes curious about my projects, sometimes I would rather avoid working on anything while he's around.... Elf #2 (Nori)- his job is more to keep Elf #1 entertained, so I can have little free moment to catch up my project....)

(P.s- how do I know when to stop the craft project and go to sleep? well....u would know when your ten fingers are being covered with dry glue and your eye sight is getting weaker and weaker....)

Another late night.............Zzzzzzzz good night my friends.

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