Saturday, December 19, 2009

Underneath the X'mas Tree

6 more days till Christmas......seems like little Yoshi is enjoying all the holiday spirit. When we were out tonight, he kept saying "kirei....kirei" (beautiful...beautiful..), because there were so many x'mas light decorations everywhere.... it's really fun experiencing his first Christmas here together.

When we opened the gift packages from Aunt Junko & grandparents in Japan, we made Yoshi take the presents and put them all underneath the tree, and not allow to open till 25th. So far, he's been doing really well, haven't peep thru those at all. Perhaps he doesn't really understand the "present" concept yet, just only knew he's "helping" us move the stuff....let's see if those gifts will remain untouch for 6 more days?!

(Nana & Yuuki-chan, arigato for the presents & card, Yoshi was admiring your drawing)
(Obaa-chan & Ojii-chan, arigato for the package. we received today. Here is a video of the father & son team....hope Yoshi will be able to keep the Shimajiro gift untouch till x'mas day. Arigato!!)


amy said...

we received your christmas card yesterday! thank you so much! we're too lazy to send any so we'll just give our christmas greetings here:

merry christmas to you all and we look forward to meeting you four in summer next year! :)

blueberrydream said...

i thought presents are suppose to be open on boxing day??