Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Video rental center

Tonight after Yoshi went to bed, and we finally had time to sit down in the living room, here was what we found on the floor (& started laughing)........ 6 dvds laying side by side neatly.....wonder why??

Recently, we noticed Yoshi starts to recognize each dvds/videos, which one he likes or not. There are many times when I refused to let him watch a video, he would just keep starring (admiring) at the packaging. Usually those Japanese dvds packaging comes with a printout showing what to expect on the episode, so I guess that's how he was able to identify. Like today, I let him pick a video to watch, I showed him few options, and he kept shaking his head indicating that's not what he wants.......(oh gee....)

And the funny part, if we let him pick a video, he wouldn't just pick it out from your hand. He would need to lay down those "options" side by side neatly on the floor, then make some SERIOUS comparision & thinking process before deciding the final choice. (haha). So I guess these 6 dvds on the floor tonight were part of his (wishful) action before bathtime.......


amy said...

rafael always has a hard time picking his choices, even which animal biscuits (lion, giraffe, dog or koala?) he's going to eat for snacks!

uncle Henry said...

HAAA so cute!