Wednesday, May 6, 2009

8 p.m. Magic spell

In the story Cinderella, when midnight struck, the magic spell broke and she would become a poor stepdaughter...........

In our house, when 8p.m. struck, I would turn into an angry/cranky mom.......

It all happens during the shower / bath time. Of course every kids like to "play" in the shower tub, and I tried to clean him around his activites. But how am I going to do it when he lays down with the face on the tub? Then when shower is done, he seems to suddenly not understand the word "stand up", how am I going to wipe him and take him out of the tub? After that, I have already lost half of my breath.........

Then the real battle begins-----I always put him on our bed to dress him up. Lately, he's like trying the new mattress in the store, rolling around and around. No matter how I hold on to his legs, he would just f-l-i-p-p-e-d or k-i-c-k-e-d. HOW AM I GOING TO PUT ON A DIAPER?!?! And when I put him on the floor, he would just run to the corner of the room and sit there, it's like he's playing a game with me. (and he was). Well, diaper is on (hoping it is being taped correctly during the struggle), then it came another round of wearing the pajamas. After all that, I'm EXHAUSTED!!! In between the struggle, my anger has rushed to the top of my head; my usual smile has turned into deep wrinkles on my forehead; my gentleness has turn into some fast upset movement............

If I'm lucky, Nori might showed up right at this time and take over the rest of the few minutes while I could calm myself during dinner preparation; But like most of the time, I would have to use my very few left over energy to deal with cooking while he might be hanging around in the kitchen/my legs............

Now u know why I love weekends? because Nori is here to give Yoshi a bath, while I only have to dress him up, at least I only have to fight half of the battle......

Clock is's 1:30p.m- six and a half hr to go before my magic spell appears again.

At lunch, Yoshi was crying for apple. So I gave him few slices. But he was too tired to finish all, he tried....
He was trying to eat even though his eyes were already in sleep mode


amy said...

we had problems dragging rafael out from his bath tub too! lately daddy has figured out a trick which is to drain away all the water! but there's a risk that the little monster might catch a cold so i always have to keep splashing water onto him to keep him warm.

Kambayashi said...

haha, Amy, I can imagine even without water, Rafael would still want to sit in there (at least Yoshi would). In fact, I do (standing) shower now with Yoshi. I stopped the (sit in ) bath tub for a long time since he started splashing water EVERYWHERE and kept standing which made me worry about slippery. Boys are always boys...