Monday, May 18, 2009

Green Weekend

Last Sunday, we were just in the mood of cleaning up the backyard garden. In the past 2 years, we were so lucky to have both grandpas setting up the harvest garden for us. And they helped taking GREAT care of the yard. So we had been having fresh organic homegrown vegetables in the summer. But this year, we are on our own. I had been dragging for a while in cleaning up from last summer's left over. So finally, we did it. Not only did we clean it up, we also got new vegetable plants to grow- green onion, eggplant, cucumber, squash, jalapeno & Shiso leaves. The other thing about this year, since Yoshi is walking, so it's easy to have him in the backyard with us, instead of holding him while watering the plant. But at the same time, Mr. Curious wants to get his hands on EVERYTHING.

While I was digging the soil for plant, he's digging the soil for fun (or even digging out the ones that I just planted)
After a long afternoon at the backyard, it's time to go home.
Someone is tired of walking Extra flowers for the front yard
I was taping a video of Yoshi, but he thought I was just taking photos only. So he sat down and post a smile in front of camera. "C-H-E-E-S-E". (Please excuse his drooling, he was just too excited and had been outside for a whole afternoon)


amy said...

oh i'm totally jealous of you with the garden and homegrown vegies!! good job mom & yoshi! :)

Unknown said...

Cheese!!! cheese!!! cheese!!!!!!!!!!!