Thursday, October 15, 2009

Nap struggle

I realized as winter is coming, I face more resistance with Yoshi's nap. Unlike in the summer, which we usually went to park, ran around and by afternoon, Yoshi was ready for nap. But with the much colder temperature recently, less activities happen in the morning that could consume his energy.

Yesterday, it took me an hour of consistent yelling and sitting in his room, to finally got him to sleep. Today, was worse..... he kept getting out of his bed, so for an hour, I was like a mad mom yelling at him to go to bed. Even with me sitting in his room, he would not lay still. So finally, I walked out with frustration. He was following me everywhere I go upstairs, and I just ignore him (what else can I do?!). 1.5 hr went by since the first attempt, I went downstairs, leaving him behind. I don't care what he did upstairs, I was desperate for some laundry and organizing time + "MY" moment of peace (not asking for much, just a few mins is all I needed). And I knew if he didn't take a nap, he won't make it to dinner time. I'm such a stubborn mom, I wouldn't give up my principle (so was he probably). I figure out once I started letting him not taking naps, then it will eventually become a habbit that I can't change I insisted!!

Thur the monitor, I could see him pacing back and forth in his room, spending most of his time probably sitting by the stair gate. At one point, I heard him even calling out his friends' name "Sarah.....Nadiah....", almost as if he wondered if they were downstairs waiting for him to play....then eventually he lost his patience not seeing me and started crying. It wasn't any screaming, so I tried to tune out his the end of the 2 hrs struggle, the house was quiet, very quiet........(didn't see him in his room either thru the monitor...)

Just as I thought.........................................

Well, with him sleeping right next to the gate, there weren't much space for a pregnant woman to squeeze I had to put my hands thru the gate and moved his head and body..... finally I can see him sleeping in his own bed. Take a good nap my dear Yoshi.....sweet dream. Orange juice and cookies will be waiting for u when u wake up.


amy said...

we always have nap time struggle during weekend too - you can imagine he will have no problem falling into sleep at school during weekdays - these days sometimes i just give up and let him do whatever he wants after maybe 1 hour of trying. just don't want to strain myself too much and also i wanted to play with him more. perhaps he's a bigger boy already and sometimes he can indeed struggle through the day as usual. :P

Jaden and Averi said...

Sabrina, I don't have any success story to share but it is important that you have some time for yourself during the day. I have friends who "trained" their kid/kids to stay in the room for a certain amount of time...whether to nap or play...but has to be in their own room. I don't know how they did it or what technique they used but what you did today by letting him stay upstairs is a good start. Good luck.

我與我的心肝寶貝s said...

i totally understand how frustrated you are when Yoshi won't sleep and you desperately want to take a little quiet moment. Sometimes when Charlene don't want to take a nap, i get mad too.