Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Nori's day off

So, let's talk about Nori's special day off yesterday. Very rarely that he would take a day off unless we had planned a trip somewhere. But with having almost a week vacation time left for the year, and my long petition, he took yesterday off.

Well, here is daddy's day off "wish list" v.s. "reality"
- One main reason for day off was the scheduled ultrasound, so he could see his baby girl again. (at least that's what we thought) Well......when we arrived at the hospital, we found out they had made a mistake on scheduling an hour before my appointment, and with their busy day, there was no way I could squeeze in appointment yesterday......right at that moment, I could see Nori's disappointment......

- It was a cloudy cold day, and with Yoshi just recovered from overnight sick bug + my stuffy nose, instead of a fun family outing, it became a few hours of shopping and lunch only. The rest of the day was at home.

- Nori was trying to take a quality nap with Yoshi, but instead, he got full interruption from the little guy who doesn't want to sleep and just too excited having daddy home.....

- what about a slight baseball or football tv time on the day off? well, Yoshi pulled out his own favorite cartoon video, and instead of watching sports, Nori was watching Yoshi's singing + dancing performances....

Well....seeing how Nori's day off went, of course I didn't want to add my "honey to-do list" at all. But all the above were enough to make Nori questioned about his day off......^_^ I only reminded him that, at least he didn't have to squeeze in cooking, ironing and cleaning in between all these.....and most importantly, at least he could still enjoy door shut privacy in the bathroom......

I know deep down Nori did enjoy the family time together with us, just that the reality turned out to be a bit different than what he expected perhaps....^_^ hm....he still has 7 more vacation days left, wonder if he will be planning on another "day off" anytime soon? (these days, before bedtime, Nori would read a Japanese storybook to Yoshi, and it's their father and son bonding moment)

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