Saturday, March 7, 2009

Loud & clear

Yes, the word "N""O" has been learnt and repeated. To make it more effective, hand & head gestures applied at the same time.

(Normally he was good in eating by himself, but tonight he refused to eat after only a little bit. So that's why I took over his spoon and started feeding/ forcing)


Anonymous said...

He can be a good rapper, I heard 10 No in a row

Anonymous said...


he is soooo cute ! it made me laugh sooo much !

Auntie Anna

Kambayashi said...

Auntie Anna, if u pay close attention, u don't see my laughing at all...(actually I wanted to, but I had to keep my firm face) The strangest part was, there were only 2 of us in the house, I set the camera on the other side of the table, and he was saying "cheese" to the camera itself....maybe he was just telling me to smile to the camera instead?!

Anonymous said...

Yoshi the monkey, fake cry and fake cough made Aunt Yukie laugh for long while recon your mum was a bit panic holding the spoon for long.....

Anonymous said...

Yoshi is such a smart boy! I like the part that he peeped through his fingers, haha. The movie was really funny! (OK, I understand that you won't think it's funny at all when Yoshi refuse to eat).

Anonymous said...

Pui - this is such a good angle that both of you could be in the video. Please do that often.

Yoshi - I love your fake crying, especially the gesture you made for choking throat...good acting!!!

Auntie Mays

amy said...

sometimes i can't believe that these little humans could almost (or really) outwit us and we have to play all these mind games with them. i dare not think how it would be like when they're 5, 10 or 15...

and also, can't believe that their movements are so swift that sometimes we can't even put one spoonful into their mouth!

Anonymous said...

That was too funny and too cute! Oliver does the same things with me but its not as cute maybe b/c I'm not watching it from a video : )
