Thursday, March 12, 2009

Meat lover part II

I have mentioned before that Yoshi is a meat lover. I have noticed that if I cook the rice with the ground meat together, then he won't be able to separate the meat from the rice and he would eat everything. HOWEVER, if I cook rice like ours and cut up the meat in pieces, then he is able to perform the seperation process. Like tonight, he had cut up gyoza (dumpling) mixed in his rice, and he immediately ate up all his meat and left a bowl of rice and dumpling skin........ ...........of course I won't let him leave the table without finishing up the rice (otherwise he would be hungry soon). Ojiichan (grandpa), I think Yoshi is just like u, eating all the meat/vegetable first, then follow with a bowl of plain white rice with tsukemono. But because Yoshi cannot eat those pickles, so I substitute with the Japanese rice flakes (or Yoshi would call it "Shake shake"). (thx Obaachan), it contains sesame, seaweed, and other dried things....
"let's not waste those "shake shake" on the table...." (Yoshi must really like those) (I told him to say "cheese"....and here it's the signature "hippo smile")


Anonymous said...

I am sure if Charlene and Yoshi share a bowl of rice, they can be the best partner. Charlene will only eat the dumpling skin and rice, but not any of the meat.

Unknown said...

Cheese Yoshi~~ Cheese Yoshi~~ Eat Yoshi~~~ Pls. finish up your meal!!! we all love you!!!