Sunday, November 29, 2009

Christmas is coming to town...

We finally got our Christmas tree up this morning. This is Yoshi's first x'mas going to be spent here at home instead of travelling around Asia. Yoshi has been seeing lots of snowmen, santa clauses & x'mas trees while shopping around with me these past few weeks. Slowly, I think he recognized the x'mas decorations just like the Halloween pumpkins.

After spending the morning on the tree decorations, I realized Christmas with Yoshi is so much more fun than just two of us. In the past, we were so busy travelling back home with him, the holiday atmosphere wasn't as strong as here, it's more of a gift exchange and eating yummy food. And back then, he was still too little to have an understandable conversation. But now, not only was he eager to help the decorations, but the curiousity & excitement he had on his face, is priceless. Of course we are going to miss being around with family and friends during the holidays, but it's also a different kind of celebration experiences on our own, along with the expectation of the new baby sister (can u believe she will be here less than 2 months?!)

Anyway, Christmas is one of my favorite holiday, just seeing the store decorations, the christmas music (constantly on the radio), the thoughtful gifts & cards exchange (that's when I love opening mailboxes the most, not just bills or advertisements), the idea of reconnecting with many friends whom we might not have seen for a while.....and the warm cozy feeling with my loving husband and Yoshi.....(even if it's in front of TV instead of the fireplace ^_^).....that's what I love the most!!
(p.s- to my suprise, Yoshi hasn't pull any ornaments out from the tree yet...I was wondering earlier if he would be like cats, trying to grab those one by one.....meow!!)

1 comment:

amy said...

we never put up any christmas celebrations until last year when rafael was big enough. we're going to put up the tree soon too! can't wait to see the excitement from rafael.

so little sis is due in january? in time for collecting lai sees! :)