Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Preschool- this sounds like for much older kids, but in fact, I have already did few school tours in the past few weeks. We have the options of sending Yoshi to 3 years old class in next September, or 2 years old class anytime now. We aren't in any rush, but registration begins in upcoming January just when our baby arrives, so I started my research now.

I am not sure if we want to send him to preschool anytime soon. (2 yr old program- once a week for 2.5 hrs) But during the past few visits at schools, I can tell yoshi was so eager to be in the learning environment, doing activities. At one point, he even joined the kids at the snack table (of course...it's food). He just like to be around other kids. Even if we wait till next September, I don't worry about him not learning enough, or not be in a social environement enough..just because we participate in many playgroups, and he still has his weekly music class. But I just felt that he's ready and eager to be in a more structural learning environment.....

Oh well, I know for sure one thing, Nori is definitely not ready to send his little buddy to school yet, just the thought of him growing up so fast, is a bit hard to accept.....


amy said...

i was originally thinking that enrolling yoshi for the 2-year-old class can allow you more time w/ the new baby, but oh... 2.5 hrs a week... seems it wouldn't help much. :P

Anonymous said...

Send him to school and meet more friends...I guess he maybe boring at home hahahaa..

Cecilia said...

Sending him to preschool will decrease your workload. you will be very busy with your little girl, so you might need Yoshi to 'disappear' for a few moment.