Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Thanks Anna

As winter is coming, I must need to find creative indoor activities....thanks to auntie Anna's book, it was a life saver yesterday. This little project allowed us to spend 30 mins quality time together (rather than looking at the clock ticking and ticking...) ^_^

Put rice in between 2 paper plates, tape it up to create a musical instrument. Then put some artwork on it.

(in case u were wondering, mama did the basic Anpanman face instead...Yoshi did all the little circles)


Anonymous said...

Nice Anpanman face ! :)
By the way, I've received Yoshi's drawings yesterday (plus your card and leaves ... hehe), thanks so much !

I'm imagining that next time he'll write "Auntie Anna" (or may be Anna, which is a shorter word ... and may be I'll have to wait a bit !)

Take care,

Auntie Anna

我與我的心肝寶貝s said...

about the blood type, the hospital that I gave birth to Charlene and Hillary tested their blood type when they were born. Maybe at the time of some basic examination that need to draw blood out from their foot, they find out their blood type too. It's interesting that they have different blood type. Charlene looks like me and have the same blood type as me. Hillary looks like her dad and have the same blood type as my husband! Isn't it interesting?